
Below are the policies and terms you agree to and abide by when using this website

We've tried to present the information here in non-legal terms so it's easy to read

Definitions of terms used throughout this document

  • References to 'This Site' refers to the website, it's code, databases, servers, hosting arrangements, or otherwise having to do with the website itself (including Partners, defined below)
  • References to 'Us', 'We' or 'Our' refers to This Site, it's owners, operators, builders, or any company or person related to the property that is providing the service
  • References to 'You', 'Your' or 'Yours' are to the visitor of This Site, which is anyone that visits the website and/or has an account and uses This Site
  • References to 'Your Data' are to the data that You provide to This Site, including personal data, addresses, phone numbers, location data, time tracking data, cookies, logs, etc... Any data You provide to This Site or that We gather and We store
  • References to 'Partners' includes any and all third-party providers We may use to assist in the operation of This Site, this includes but is not limited to; payment processors, hosting, data storage, data caching, analytics, geo data, etc

Terms of Use

  • We like You very much and appreciate that You are here using This Site, but We have some rules to which You agree to adhere to when dealing with This Site so things work smoothly for everyone using This Site
  • When You visit any page on This Site, and if You create an account on This Site, You agree to abide by the all of the terms included in the /legal section of This Site (these fine words You are reading right now)
  • We agree to do Our best effort to keep This Site up, running, available, fast, and secure, 24/7/365
  • Despite Our best effort, We make no guarantees, and You should expect no guarantees, that This Site will be up, running, available, fast, and secure, 24/7/365
  • You will likely add some of Your Data to Your account on This Site, including Your name, Yours and Your neighbors physical address, geographic information, and possibly phone numbers or other location information
  • We agree to do Our best effort to keep any of Your Data provided to This Site safe and secure, using industry best practices
  • Despite out best effort, We make no guarantees that We will be able to keep Your Data safe and secure on This Site
  • You agree to absolve This Site and Us of any liability relating to any actions or result of any actions related to This Site
  • We cannot be held liable, sued, held damages against, or be held responsible in any way for any issues or damages that may have been caused or are otherwise the result of You interacting with This Site or the use or operation of This Site
  • Basically You can't sue Us, ever, (now in your best Vally Girl voice) like evar... I know that sounds harsh, but there's really no sense in sugar coating it, okay?
  • You, on the other hand... If You do something to Us or This Site that We feel the need to sue You for, of course We can. Practically speaking We won't ever do that, but We do have the right to. No, it's not fair, but the lawyers write all these EULAs, even this weird one, suck it up buttercup (see Acceptable Use about not being a dick)
  • So basically, You agree to use This Site at Your own risk, capeesh?

Acceptable Use

  • You will not 'Abuse' Us or This Site, and the definition of Abuse, and Our response for You causing whatever said Abuse, is purely at Our descretion
  • Abuse of Us or This Site certainly includes, but is not limted to; unreasonable resource usage of any kind, unreasonable account usage, unreasonable bandwidth usage, unreasonable server resources unreasonable behavior toward others... Includes but is not limited to; malicious behavior of any kind, hacking attempts, reverse engineering, harrassment of others, stalking, or any otherwise unintended use of This Site resources as defined by Us
  • It's really pretty simple... On This Site, You agree to not be a dick. We are not Your mother, You can go be a dick elsewhere and probably get away with it, society is full of dicks, it's pretty unfortunate how many really, but I digress... When You are here on This Site, You cannot be a dick and get away with it... Just be a nice person while You are here, if You are not a nice person, We'll kick Your Dicky McDickface off Our platform, got it?, cool

Privacy Policy

  • We collect and store Your Data that You give Us, We also collect and store the data associated with Your visit, like log files with times, IPs, browser versions, etc
  • We use all data collected, including Your Data, to improve This Site for Your experience, and for everyone else that uses This Site
  • We need to share some data We collect with Partners, and Our Partners may store Your Data on their infrastructure, for example processing payments securely requires Us to send some of Your Data to Partners and they store Your Credit Card info, We don't store that locally (PCI Compliance)
  • We currently have no itention nor desire to sell Your Data to any third party companies of any type, We hate that shit <cough>Facebook \ Instagram \ Google \ Weather apps \ Everyone</cough>, but We cannot rule out the idea that We may sell Your Data at some point in the future, and if We do ever sell Your Data, just know that We'll give You an opportunity to opt-out if You want to first, because that's the right thing to do
  • New laws in some countries require Us to allow You to access Your Data any time You like, often as a download, or they may require Us to allow You do delete Your Data on This Site, frankly, there's new laws all the time and it's confusing and difficult for Us to keep up, just know that if You need Us to comply with data access laws in Your country please email us and We will work to comply, unfortunately if data compliance is too costly for Us We may need to shut down service in that country and delete all it's data, We'll determine this as individual cases arise

Questions or Comments?